Sunrise.Fly started the virtual business on the 25. January 2012 as TUIfly on HippyHappy Germany. For some reasons we changed the name on the 1. March 2013 to Sunrise.Fly. After the HippyHappy server closed its doors, we switched to FSCloud but started becoming active on other networks too.

Our homebase is Duesseldorf EDDL.
Sunrise.Fly has over 3.200 global routes. Our virtual airline doesn't have a real counterpart but we do have our own airfleet including the liveries.

Our Team, the "Sunrisers", is very international. We have pilots from all continents and we are very proud about this team.

Very best regards from the Sunrise.Fly homebase EDDL



PilotI 17
Naše flotila 18
Trasy 3210
Pax total 936.082
Cargo total 92.316.880
Celkový počet hodin: 11115
Celkový počet letů 5044
Pravidelné lety 5044
Charterové lety 0
% Pravidelných letů 100.00 %


Volací znakPilotOdletPříletDatumDoba letu
SUN555Patytech   EDDB  LEPA 2024-11-27 02:24
SUN555Patytech   LGAV  EDDB 2024-11-14 02:36
SUN555Patytech   LGIR  LGAV 2024-08-09 00:38
SUN555Patytech   LGAV  LGIR 2024-08-09 00:37
SUN555Patytech   LGIR  LGAV 2024-08-03 00:33


PilotZaměstnán od
SUN6776-Matteo 2021-05-12
SUN289-Roland Gottlieb 2021-05-01
SUN495-Andreas Pohl2021-01-31
SUN217-Jimi Alexander 2020-12-21
SUN45-Reality 2019-10-11






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